What does a treatment session feel like?: Testimonials for Fascia Informed Bodywork


“Megan’s calm presence and delightful dedicated massage space combine to create the perfect environment to switch from everyday body-mind busyness towards an inner attention that allows me to notice how I am on all levels.

Megan’s Fascia Informed Bodywork combines stillness, movement and mobilisation to facilitate the unwinding of held body tensions.

Weaving together her knowledge, skill and intuition with my feedback, the session becomes a co-creative process that leaves me feeling relaxed, centred and grounded and better able to receive and respond to life’s joys and challenges.   Thank you Megan.”

Ali Rose, Yoga Teacher

“A massage with Megan doesn’t begin or end on the massage bed. From the start, she really takes her time to get to know how you’re feeling, what you would like to focus on and how she can support you through the process. She always has considered ideas for ways to complement her work in every day life - whether that be gentle stretches, ways to further investigate connections within the body, or pointers to other resources.

Starting with a guided, deep relaxation helped me to really connect with my body and start letting go before experiencing any physical touch: opening both my body and mind to be more receptive to her fascial work. Her slow, gentle touch and sometimes barely perceptible adjustments create incredibly deep releases in the body. Our work together has allowed me to process emotions and trauma that I have not previously been comfortable or able to access on my own. During this time, she has always been present with support - creating a safe and caring space in which to let go and start healing.

As a result, my body has been able to let go of both short and long term patterns of tension and pain. At the end of my series of treatments, recurrent niggles and ongoing issues in both my shoulders and hips had gone. My body feels more relaxed and it’s given me a better connection between my body and my mind. Thank you Megan”


“I have recently completed a course of six Fascia Informed Bodywork sessions with Megan. This work is truly life changing. Megan is incredibly intuitive and works very gently with the body to allow it to almost untie itself and let it release the tension that has been held, sometimes for many, many years. In each session she worked with a different part of my body, listening and feeling into what it needed. Each time we started with what may have seemed like a very superficial injury or niggle but soon got into the deeper roots of the issue allowing me to let go of past pain and trauma that I had been holding in my body, but also to tap into the wonder and strength that my body holds.

I would highly recommend this work. It is truly holistic and affects every part of you - mind, body and soul. I’m getting emotional just thinking about the difference it has made to how I feel about myself. Thank you Megan from the bottom of my heart - which I think you found in one session.”

Tracy Derrett Yoga Teacher

“The series of treatments I received from Megan was exciting and inspiring. She supported me to make lasting changes both to my posture and body use and to my emotional / energetic balance too.

Megan’s approach seems to support the body and mind into a place where change is available - I felt that everything had been set in motion and my body could gently and thoroughly let go of old patterns and search out new ways of being that were more easeful.

During the actual treatment Megan placed her hands with a clear and light touch, and from that initial connection my body would start to come alive with sensation, stretch, heat, a twitch, an itch, feelings of constriction and release of tension. She would then work for sometime from that place. I felt very deeply relaxed but also stayed present and engaged in the work as Megan guided me to witness my feeling and imaginative self in experiencing her touch. Each connection she made released a whole journey of sensory and imaginative responses which enriched my understanding of where my body / mind was at.

Megan held space for my mind to settle deeply into an attentive place where the body could slowly and beautifully go about the business of listening to her touch and rebalancing itself. The treatment didn’t finish when I got up from the couch - my whole frame was still gently swaying, exploring new ways of balancing itself, letting go of patterns of holding that were no longer helping me or were causing discomfort, opening the way for me to make quite significant postural changes. I left each session feeling as though I was about to go on a new adventure, to see what changes my body would choose to explore / retain from the sessions, how I would approach both movement and other elements of my life in new ways.”

Fran Higginson, Dancer and Massage Therapist