How can Fascia Informed Bodywork help?


Fascia is dynamic in nature, continually responding to the requests and cues being made by the body and the environment.  With appropriate care it has the potential to let go of difficulties within its system and allow the body to reshape itself and express shapes that may have been forgotten.  This is very positive as viewed from a certain angle it gives hope, suggesting that the potential for change in the body is continuous and life-long.  With the right connection, education, guidance and time, fascia can begin to regain its elasticity, hydration and adaptive ability to respond to life, in order to glide and shift to support a more healthy body, enabling more ease and pain free, relaxed and diverse movement.

Fascia Informed Bodywork offers an opportunity to work with the entire fascial system, by connecting with the skin, muscles and bones of the body.  It is used for the release of fascia which has become stuck, hardened and dehydrated. I use a collection of techniques for separating different presentations of fascia, releasing restrictions, restoring elasticity, conductivity and hydration. The ‘right’ touch, gentle and mindful connection and trust, encourages the body to let the treatment in and aims to enable the body to recalibrate and restore movement and health, without excessive force.

Fascia Informed Bodywork is one part of a journey towards pain free movement and confidence in our bodies, reconnecting us with degrees of movement and sensation that we may have temporarily lost.

 By listening and responding to the tissues and encouraging ease within them there are many benefits:-

  • An increase in hydration and restoration of elasticity, allowing for further hydration and a decrease in compression around body structures.

  • A release of pressure on pain sensitive structures such as nerves and blood vessels, allowing them to flow more freely and thereby reducing pain.

  • Increased lymphatic flow.

  • As the fascia is a continuous web, affecting every organ and cell, it has the potential to affect you very deeply and generate and increase health throughout the body.

  • Scar tissue breakdown

  • Letting go of restrictive patterns enables the body to move towards realigning itself, via the muscles and joints and improves ability to move freely.

  • It can provide a holding space to allow you to begin to process experiences that have been felt in your body’s history and are at the root of any pain you may be experiencing.